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Our past sailing adventures have taken us to many a fun location adorned with white sand beaches and blue-blue waters.

But one of those special spots that we've fallen in love with along the way is the island of Bequia - part of the country: St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

FUN FACT: Bequia means "island of the clouds".

Photo Album Below

Sugar Reef Palm Tree.jpg
Admiralty Bay.jpg

This winter, we weren't able to commit to a full sailing trip, but with a few last-minute days off we decided to fly down to the Caribbean and warm up from New York City's winter.

In an effort to beat an upcoming storm out of town, we booked a flight on Jet Blue direct to Barbados where we would then connect on SVG Air to Bequia.

Well, Jet Blue got a little gun-shy and cancelled our Saturday flight.  We were re-booked for a Sunday departure only to have that flight cancelled three minutes later.  

The real bummer is we were stuck in New York for an extra two days and there was NO STORM!

Oh well, come Monday we made our flight and the heavy coats came off.

While in Bequia we stayed at the Sugar Reef Hotel which we've visited many times in the past.  We stayed in the Master Suite of the French House which is a villa perched up on top of the hill with a beautiful view of the surrounding plantation along with the ocean.  


Whilst exploring town we had our obligatory Mac's Lobster Pizza for lunch one day and my eyes were happily gazing on the boats moored in Admiralty Bay.  

My eyes locked on a houseboat in the distance.  I saw said houseboat and said to Anastacia:  


  "That's a Bar!"  


She glanced over my shoulder, a little skeptical, but humored me.  

  "THAT'S A BAR and WE'RE GOING!"  I proclaimed.  

Bar One Sign.jpg
Bar One from Skiff.jpg
Bar One Stacia.jpg
Anastacia at French House.jpg

I knew even without a dinghy we could flag down a boat boy, or another yachting group, or even swim out to the damn thing if we had to.  I just knew we had to visit.  


So a "water taxi" by the name of "Bay Watch" took us out to said "Floating Bar".  


As we pulled up, we were greeted by some fairly well-spirited French Canadians who toasted us as we were hopping off of the skiff.  


The bar is called "Bar One", Ivor the owner and bartender explained to us that he picked the name because it's the first bar you come up upon as you enter the harbor via boat.  


Soft spoken, and sober, Ivor greeted us in a much more mild-manner than the French Canadians yachties, but Ivan was more than happy to make us one of his creations.  We started with his cocktail du jour, the Passion Fruit Rum Punch.  No argument there.  We settled in on the swings that adorn Ivor's deck, and off the afternoon went.  

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